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Solar for Verapaz Primary School 

Location: Verapaz, Nicaragua Cost: $2,100 Date Started: August 9, 2015 Date Completed: August 11, 2015 Major Donors: Strata Solar Partners: Sonati, Suni

Matongo Birthing Clinic Micro-Grid

Location: Kisii County, Kenya Cost: $2,500 Date Started: August 9, 2015 Date Completed: August 11, 2015 Major Donors: Strata Solar Major Partners

San Jose Primary School

Location: San Antonio De Upa, Nicaragua Cost: $2,500 Date Started: August 9, 2015 Date Completed: August 11, 2015 Major Donors: Strata Solar

Solar Panels for a Primary school- Mina Verde 2

Location: San Antonio De Upa, Nicaragua Cost: $3,000 Date Started: May 27, 2014 Date Completed: May 29, 2014 Major Donors: Strata Solar

Water Pump Solutions

Summary “Every minute a child dies of a water related disease.” – Water.org “World Vision reaches one new person with clean water

Lug-a-Jug 2019

Second Annual Lug-A-Jug

Powering San Ramón Arts & Community Center with Solar

Location: San Antonio De Upa, Nicaragua Cost: $3,000 Date Started: May 27, 2014 Date Completed: May 29, 2014 Major Donors: Strata Solar

Colocando Primary School Goes Solar

Location: San Antonio De Upa, Nicaragua Cost: $2,500 Date Started: August 9, 2015 Date Completed: August 11, 2015 Major Donors: Strata Solar

Solar for Communities in Nicaragua

Location: Nicaragua Date: On-going Partners: Sister Communities of San Ramon You can help up to 250 people with a donation! Summary As the

UNC Students Bring Solar to Nicaragua for Brighter Future

For the majority of Americans, living entirely without access to electricity is a thought that almost never comes to mind. In a

Kenya Solar Water Pumping Installation and Troubleshooting Workshop

USI board member Ed Witkin visited Kenya and Zambia in late February of this year to lead training for World Vision staff.

Update: Solar Water Pumps in Ghana

As some of you may know, United Solar Initiative has been working on a partnership with World Vision to provide solar powered

United Solar Initiative Seeking Sustainability in its Relationship with World Vision

United Solar Initiative could not have found a better fit. When World Vision originally reached out to United Solar Initiative, members of