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Stephen Kalland: Executive Director of NC Clean Energy Technology Center

Stephen Kalland has worked with energy efficiency and renewable energy for over 20 years. His work with the North Carolina Clean Energy

Davis Plunkett: Project Coordinator at Strata Solar and UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate

UNC-Chapel Hill graduate David Plunkett currently works for Strata Solar as a project coordinator. His degree in environmental science, coupled with his

Jim Rogers: Duke Energy Chairman of the Board, former president and CEO

Jim Rogers is the former CEO and chairman of the board for Duke Energy. He continues to advocate for sustainable energy access

Chuck McGrady: North Carolina House of Representatives

Representative Chuck McGrady is an important environmental figure in North Carolina legislature. Here he discusses his perspective of the solar industry as

Greg Gangi: Associate Director for Education with the Institute for the Environment and Professor at UNC Chapel Hill

Greg Gangi is a professor at UNC Chapel Hill and director with the Institute for the Environment. He discussed his motivation behind

Ron Strom: Landlord of the Root Cellar, a coffee shop in Chapel Hill, North Carolina

   10th Nov 2015 Ron Strom, landlord of the Root Cellar, a small coffee shop in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, recently took the

Steven Thomsen: Co-Founder and Vice President of United Solar Initiative and Project Manager at Strata Solar

Steven Thomsen, co-founder and vice president of United Solar Initiative, discussed USI’s vision for using solar energy to provide clean water to

Rob Pinder: Executive Director of NextClimate

Rob Pinder, founder of NextClimate, is determined to take action on climate change through affordable renewable energy. NextClimate is a nonprofit based

USI Volunteer, David Ball, Recognized at Public Service Awards Ceremony

USI volunteer and UNC graduate student, David Ball, was recently awarded the Ronald W. Hyatt Rotary Public Service Award for his commitment